A Point & Click Website Control Panel

With the Website Control Panel, we would like to show that website administration doesn’t have to be tough. In fact, it may be quite simple and intuitive.

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A Point & Click Website Control Panel
Service Scalability

Start small, but grow big. Our Linux cloud website hosting packages platform allows you to start with a low–end hosting plan and to add additional features only if you really need them. Or to quickly upgrade to a more powerful web hosting plan at any given moment.

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Service Scalability
Cloud Website Hosting System

Our cloud website hosting system is fully risk–free. We guarantee a 99.9% uptime with all cloud hosting packages.

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Cloud Website Hosting System
Multiple Data Centers

Pick where to host your site – in America, in Great Britain, in Eastern Europe or in Australia. Enjoy extra–fast site loading speeds thanks to the enterprise–class datacenters we have opted for – the Colohouse data center in America, the UK Servers data center in Britain, the Ficolo data center in Finland, the S3 data center in Bulgaria, and the Amaze data center in Australia.

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Multiple Data Centers
A Drag–and–Drop File Manager

The File Manager incorporated into the Website Control Panel permits you to upload files through a secure connection by merely dragging them to your browser.

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A Drag–and–Drop File Manager
Web Apps Installer

With our intuitive Web Apps Installer, you’ll be able to install over forty famous software applications with one click of the mouse. No additional setup is necessary.

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Web Apps Installer
Free Website Themes

Acquire access to over 800 zero cost design themes for your website. They are offered free of charge and can be installed with just a mouse click from our Website Control Panel.

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Free Website Themes
A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Our company offers absolutely riskless cloud hosting solutions. Not only is our Linux cloud website hosting packages service backed up by 99.9% server and network uptime guarantees, but we also guarantee that we’ll give you a refund within the first 30 days of your subscription if you aren’t pleased with our services. Moreover, you’ll keep your domain.

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A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
24x7 Support

Being forced to wait for the technical support staff representatives to respond is inadmissible. And we, at Ozzieblue, are placing our clients first. That’s why our company offers a 24x7 support service with a sixty–minute tech support ticket response guarantee.

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24x7 Support